Physician Email List

Over 550,000 contacts

Activate your message to reach the right prospect with our physicians email lists.

Email has been one of the effective medium to connect with the best prospects across the world. With physicians email list from TDInsights, you can effectively connect with the prospect having higher chances of conversion. Our lists helps you to develop the right strategy and makes you proficient in executing a better email campaign.

We precisely tailor the data for the leading marketers and organizations across the world so that they can make the right connection with the prospects. You can achieve absolute engagement with your customers by leveraging the mailing solution from TDInsights and bring the right results for both the marketing and sales efforts.

We have Physician Mailing list categorized by specialty:

Dentists Osteopathic Physicians
Anesthesiologists General practitioners
Psychiatrists Pediatricians
TransplantSurgeon Dermatopathologists
Ophthalmologists Oncologists
Pharmacy Directors Orthopedic Surgeons
Urologist Pediatric Allergists
Pathologists Pulmonologists
Cytotechnologists Gastroenterologists
Dermatologists Nephrologists
Reproductive Endocrinologists Hematologists
Diabetologists Neurologist
Physiotherapists Neurosurgeons
Nauropathic Gynaecologists
Primary care physicians Surgeons
Cardiologists Emergency physicians
Immunologists Nephrologists

Request for a customized Physician Email List

    Why do you need to market to the top physicians across the world?

    Healthcare is the basic and the much-needed service required by the global population. Along with that, doctors who are the skilled professionals to treat patients with non-surgical conditions, are high in demand. A well-planned email strategy and execution helps you to connect the right doctor as per your requirements.

    TDInsights’ email list helps you to amplify your business audience without putting much effort or investing time.

    How is Doctor Email List segmented?

    The Doctor email list includes the below information:

    • First name, middle name, last name
    • Years of experience
    • Contact details
    • Mailing address
    • Email address
    • Healthcare specialty
    • State

    What are the features of a well-built Doctors Mailing list?

    The features of an accurate Doctors Mailing list are:

    • Provides multi-channel marketing campaign
    • Available in pre-built and customized format
    • Updated every 3 months to maintain its relevancy
    • Data is collected from reliable and authentic sources such as conferences, directories, health care associations, etc. We append data collected from both primary and secondary research.
    • The solution can be availed with segregation by geography, specialty, type of practice, etc.

    Request for a customized Physician Email List

      Customize our physician mailing lists on below selects:

      Type of Physician Specialty Information Group practice name
      Number of employees Geographic locations NPI, DEA, State license
      Hospital Affiliation Average patient volume And More!

      Physician Email Lists To Generate Better Healthcare Leads

      We have rich experience in the healthcare industry that gives us an edge over our competitors to help you generate better healthcare leads. With our physician email lists, improve your business process and convert these quality leads to your customer. Remove all the hurdles that are hampering you to achieve the right success and achieve excellence in your industry.

      Our collaboration with the industry specialists helps us to understand theirs as well as your requirements. An in-depth understanding of the challenges and solutions helps us to innovate and build a quality mailing list to increase ROI.

      Request for a customized Physician Email List